The Unjournal does not 'publish research’: organize and fund public journal-independent feedback, quantitative rating, and evaluation of hosted papers and dynamically-presented research projects. We focus on work that is highly relevant to global priorities (especially in economics, social science, and impact evaluation). We aim to make rigorous research more impactful, and impactful research more rigorous.
Peer review is great, but academic publication processes are wasteful, slow, and rent-extracting. They discourage innovation and encourage a great deal of effort spent 'gaming the system'. We will both provide an immediate alternative and also offer a bridge to a better system. We aim to make rigorous research more impactful, and impactful research more rigorous. We focus on research that has the potential for substantial impact on global priorities, particularly in economics, social science, and impact evaluation fields. We will pay evaluators to assess research, discuss it, and give quantitative ratings and predictions.
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