Science Open Reviewed is an online community of researchers in the natural sciences, health sciences, and social sciences using a unique model for promoting:
efficient and accountable author-directed open (non-blind) peer review; effective reviewer participation incentives and reputation metrics; and rapid dissemination of discovery and commentary.
SciOR is free to everyone because it is not operated by a profit-driven commercial enterprise, nor by a traditional paywall-based journal — but by front-line researchers, using a novel library-based scholarly communication system, sponsored by a leading university research institution.
The mission of SciOR is to promote the progress of science as a mission for discovery, rather than a mission for elitism. Specifically, SciOR provides support for extension and refinement of mechanisms and opportunities for:
(1) increasing reviewer incentive and reputation rewards, and thus increasing the pool of available and willing reviewers; and
(2) promoting transparent and accountable open peer-review, and thus limiting the incidence of biased and poor quality reviews often associated with blind reviewing.
Authors submit their reviewed paper to the journal of their choice, together with the reviews, and the identification of the reviewers.
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