In a nutshell

Curated by experts, PLOS Channels highlight the latest research from across the published literature, preprints, commentary and news of interest to a community. The community can nominate content via email or Twitter. Channels are not limited to traditional journal articles, including preprints, AV content, news, conferences and grey literature. Channels include: Antimicrobial Resistance, Cholera, Complexity, Disease Forecasting & Surveillance, Microbiome, Open Source Toolkit, Responding to Climate Change, Tuberculosis, Veterans Disability & Rehabilitation Research, Ebola Outbreak

Goals and intentions

The project is the result of community feedback who wanted a single location to discover research and news in their field, and also authors of PLOS ONE who were concerned their papers were being "lost" in a megajournal. Users reported being overwhelmed by the amount of literature (both peer-reviewed and not) and wanted guidance from trusted and respected leaders in their field as to the most interesting and impactful content on an easy to use and regularly updated platform.

User-led design resulted in the decision to be publisher agnostic. Publishers have previously created showcases for their own content but these were reported by users as of limited use given it showed just a fraction of the relevant material.

Project status
Review process
  • Review requested by
  • Reviewer selected by
  • Public interaction
  • Author response
  • Decision
Review policy
  • Review coverage
    Complete paper
  • Reviewer identity known to
  • Competing interests
    Not included
Social Networks
Review features
  • Manuscript hosting
  • Notes

    Channel Editors are provided with a regular content report to review. The content report is generated via PubMed and PLOS search.

    When submitting to PLOS journals, authors can nominate their submission for inclusion in the Channel once published.

    Any user can nominate content for the Channel by email or via social media.

    Direct nominations are noted to Channel Editors in the report.

  • Eligible reviewers/editors
    Channel Editors are recruited by PLOS.
  • Criteria for inclusion

    Any content that is judged to be in the Channel's scope can be included. Inclusion is entirely at the discretion of Channel Editors, who are volunteers and experts in their field.

  • Number of scholarly outputs commented on
  • Metrics
    We track site visits and interactions; author nominations when submitting to PLOS; impact on ALMs for PLOS content.
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